1.5 Hour
Hair & Makeup
2 Outfits (Use of studio Gowns)
3-7x10 Matted Fine Art Prints
LPP Black Folio Box
3 Matching Digitals
$100 Print Credit
$340 +Tax ($800 Value)
I am looking for 30 amazing women in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and up, for a one of a kind empowering experience, celebrating your life and your story. It's time to start a conversation about the beauty of aging. We need to change the way the world and media define it, and to embrace the freedom and confidence about finally being comfortable in your own skin. Let me show the world what 30 and up & Fabulous looks like!
What does it include?
The 30 OVER 30 special promotion session fee is just $350.
(The total value is over $850)
* You’ll email me your story. You can share as much or as little as you'd like.
* That interview will be shared on my website and social media and at the Gallery opening
* Before and After makeover photos may be shown.
* Other conditions may apply.
As one of the ‘30 OVER 30’ woman, you will receive:
* A pre-consultation with me to discuss how you want to be photographed, what outfits you would like to wear etc.
* A full make over with a professional hair and makeup artist on the day of the photo session (you will look and feel exceptional)
* Fully guided professional photo session where I will pose you down to your expression and fingertips.
There are so many stories that need to be heard from women over 30. Let’s celebrate that beauty doesn’t diminish with age. Help me tell your story about being a woman over 30. Celebrate your beauty and appreciate every scar, every line and every grey (or purple!) hair. I intend to disrupt & transform the way we are viewed (or forgotten) by the media and society by putting out beautiful, authentic images and real stories of ourselves. This is your chance to be seen and heard!
Why 30 over 30?Turing 30 was a huge milestone for me as I'm sure it was for so many of us. I remember when my mom was 30 and we had just moved to the United States. I remember thinking how brave she was and how strong she must have been to take two little girls ages 8 and 5 to a whole new world. She wanted more for us and she delivered. When I turned 30 I felt that strength, I felt that braveness. Everything that I had gone through had a purpose and it got me to where I am today. This is just one of the many reasons why I am doing this campaign. I want to hear about the successes in your life. I want to hear about the difficulties that made you who you are today. Everyone has a story and I cannot wait to hear yours!